It always helps students to do more coding problems to help them get the grasp of problem solving and creating programs. There are a lot of practice coding websites online that not only give students practice problems, but also evaluates their solution to see if it’s correct. Online Coding and Verification The websites below enable…
Category: Resources
Resources I have discovered over the years that you may find useful.
Computer Artist Assignment
A long time ago, there was a language called LOGO that taught programming by instructing the computer to draw shapes by controlling a turtle on the screen. Students learned basic concepts such as variables, recursions, and loops. This assignment is inspired by LOGO. I have used this assignment with the following languages: Python: The turtle…
Flowgorithm – A Visual Code Editor Review
Flowgorithm ( is an amazing program that teaches students how the basic concepts of procedural programming with the use of flowcharts. Flowgorithm is completely free. The flowcharts created by the user can be run in the program which help students see how the flow of the program from start to finish. Flowgorithm can be used…
The All In One Course Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan Template
One of the things I like to do most is designing tools to help me do my job better. This is a template I designed to remove some redundancy in having to repeat things in my unit plans and lesson plans. Basically, I starts with a course calendar that keeps track of all the teaching…
AP Computer Science: Minesweeper Lab
An AP Computer Science A lab that uses the game Minesweeper to teach students how to use multi-dimension arrays, and iteration vs recursion.