One of the things I like to do most is designing tools to help me do my job better. This is a template I designed to remove some redundancy in having to repeat things in my unit plans and lesson plans.
Basically, I starts with a course calendar that keeps track of all the teaching days available and what lesson I taught on that day. I then separate the classes into units that are color coded for easier reading.

The unit plan section highlights the main topics I will teach as well as lists out all the Prescribed Learning Outcomes (Teaching Standards) that will be met in this unit. It also gives a unit description, a list of assessments, and vocabulary covered in this unit.
At the bottom the bottom is visualization of the distribution of the teaching standards so that I can quickly glance at which days I have which teaching standard covered.

After the unit plan, there is a day by day lesson plan that goes into more detail of how the lesson will happen with the lesson objective, what students are able to do by the end of the lesson, the standards covered, language components, overview of activities. and any resources needed.

I usually start with the calendar, then fill out the daily lesson plan, and then finally fill out the unit plan which is a summary of those related lessons.
I’ve included an editable copy of the lesson plan below as well as a PDF version so you can see what it all looks like. The editable copy is ODT format as I use LibreOffice as my office suite. The files are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
Note I didn’t have time to finish the Unit plans of the last few units. Also, the curriculum I was teaching was the the British Columbia (a province in Canada) old curriculum for Programming 11.
You can download the files here.
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