Introduction I have an old Mac Mini lying around the house. It’s a 2007 model. I used it to try iPhone App development back in the day. It was the cheapest type of Mac at the time and it’s been a great machine. The size is just right for the use of a home entertainment…
Category: Tutorials
Tips, Tricks, and How-To on a variety of topics
A Basic Game In Javascript: Cat and Dog
This past year, I introduced my students to Javascript. I created this simple game called Cat and Dog to introduce the basics of a game loop and getting basic input and movement in a game. This is a 2 player game where the cat is controlled by the keyboard and the dog is controlled by…
Scaffolding Javascript With Flowgorithm
In a previous post, I gave a quick review of Flowgorithm, which is a program that allows users to program with flowcharts. In this post, I will show how I used Flowgorithm as a scaffolding tool to teach my students how to create an interactive HTML form with Javascript. Since Javascript is mainly a frontend…
Java: Combining Postfix and Prefix Operators (a = a++ + ++a;)
Going over a lesson with my students about postfix operators vs prefix operators in Java, my students had a question about what happens when an expression has both postfix and prefix operators. In Java, usually you would see one use ++ in a for loop. Usually the counter variable usually increases. Assuming the counter variable…
Showing Code in Latex ExamDesign class
One can easily add code to a Latex ExamDesign document by using the Listings package. This tutorial will show you how.